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Hello, my name is Alasdair and I’m from Aberdeen. I’m currently in my second year of medical school, having applied successfully in 2015. I got interviews at all the universities I applied to but sadly got no offers (apparently me don’t talk good). I got a late offer from the University of Edinburgh through a waiting list in which strong candidates, who closely missed out on offers, were able to ask to be placed in. Any pupil can get into medicine as long as they are willing to put in the hard work, and persevere even if it’s not all going your way!





There is a silly superstition that medicine is an ultra-intensive course in which you will have no free time to see friends, have hobbies, or enjoy night life in your university’s city. Although I cannot speak for the courses at all universities, at Edinburgh I have had plenty of free time to pursue my pastimes.





I compete in athletics as a multi-event athlete, which includes training 3-4 times a week, play badminton and squash once a week each, go rock climbing at the gym’s climbing wall on a regular basis with my mates, and still have more than enough time to keep up with course work while enjoying nights out a lazy afternoons. Many people on my course even have part-time jobs during term time, although having done that last semester, I’m not sure I would recommend it if you value your sleep.

Explore this site further for more information and advice on the different aspects of applying as well as some words from my student-colleagues. Good luck in applying to medicine, and hopefully see you on the wards one day!

© MakeTheCut:AnatomyOfApplication

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